

The clinical programmes of the department offer advanced services in all sub specialties including, Anatomic Pathology, Clinical Pathology, Surgical Pathology, Cyto pathology and Haematology and are run by distinguished faculty members.

Diagnostic services

Lab medicine Programmes are dedicated to serve physicians and their patients. Laboratories are fully automated and run by qualified specialists

Anatomic pathology (Surgical) is credited with over fourteen years of service. The lab processes      5000        surgical pathology specimens, 2500   cytopathology samples including 1500         exfoliative cytology and   100   FNAC samples annually, specimens are received from this hospital and referring hospitals in and around Karakonam. In addition to the routine tissue processing, immunohistochemistry and Frozensections are also being done routinely.


Fully automated Haematology and clinical pathology lab is run 24×7 and supervised by the department and doing 20000 investigtions monthly. In addition to the routine investigations, workup in special cases like Anemia and Hemolytic disease of new born is being done.

The department is participating in the external quality control programme conducted by AIIMS, New Delhi.

Transfusion medicine

A 24 X 7 functioning blood bank is available, with facilities for component separation modern screening facilities are available including HIV, HBS Ag and HCV for selection of donors. The blood bank caters to peripheral hospitals also. Donor awareness campaigns are regularly conducted. Blood donor’s forum involving student and faculty is active under the guidance of this section.1200 donors are coming annually. The blood bank runs external quality assurance programme with CMC, Vellore.

Education and training

Faculty members are actively engaged in undergraduate teaching for MBBS course with student strength of 100 annually. Training is given to 30 students in Medical laboratory technician course leading to an award of Diploma, Bsc nursing and Msc nursing students are also trained in the subject of Pathology. The department has an annual intake of one post graduate student.


Contact-0471 3074000, 2250233,2250506 ext 2160,2167

Email: pathsmcsi@gmail.com


Monthly journal club, Clinico pathologic conferences involving other clinical specialties, and mortality conferences are regularly conducted.CME programmes are organized once in a year. Faculty members actively participate in regional and National CME programmes conducted in other academic centers. Department encourages the faculty to do research and publish them in journals.

Museum & Library facility

In addition to the college library the Departmental library has a wide collection of reference books and  standard text books numbering to 234 .A museum arranged system wise with a total of 437 mounted specimens is open from 9 am to 5pm for the students. The specimens are regularly mounted and the museum is  well maintained.  In addition 875 wet specimens are also available for the post graduate students.

Oral Presentation

Sl. No Topic Author Remarks
1 Psoriasis – Histopathology decoded Dr Dennis John , Dr Sherin Susheel Mathew , Dr B Jayalekshmi, Dr Apuca Susan Mathew International CME in Pathology Histopathology and Cytopathology at Goa from 1st to 3rd February 2019
2 Non invasive follicular thyroid neoplasms with papillary like nuclear features – histological features re-visited Dr Rini Francis , Dr Sherin Susheel Mathew , Dr Apuca Susan Mathew, Dr B Jayalekshmi International CME in Pathology Histopathology and Cytopathology at Goa from 1st to 3rd February 2019

Paper Presentation

Sl. No Topic Author Remarks
1 Fallacious carcinoma in the Neck - A Case Report Dr Dennis John, Dr B Jayalekshmi, Dr Apuca Susan Mathew, Dr Sherin Susheel Mathew APCON, PGI, Chandigarh on 5th to 8th December 2019
2 RBC Histogram: An aid to the diagnosis of Anemia’s Dr Rakhi Bhadran 3rd KUHS National Conference on Postgraduate Medical Research, THRICON 2018 on 24th and 25th October 2018
3 Utility of three different papanicolau staining techniques and cytohistopathology diagnosis in thyroid lesions Dr Reny S R THRICON 2017 conducted by KUHS from 26 to 27 October 2017

Poster Presentation

Sl. No Topic Author Remarks
1 Ovarian Myxoma – A rare ovarian tumor Dr Rakhi Bhadran , Dr Apuca Susan Mathew , Dr Sunderasan , Dr Felicia Prema Rodriguez APCON 2017, 8th to 10th December 2017
2 Follicular thyroid Carcinoma metastasis to the appendicular skeleton Dr Rini Francis, Dr Meera Jayakumar, Dr Gunjan Bansal APCON 2017, 8th to 10th December 2017
3 Simple Melanosis Of The Urinary Bladder – A Rare Finding Dr Junu Rajan E Conference, World Digital Pathology And Pathologist Conference, Mard id, Spain from 5th to 6th December 2016
4 A Descriptive Study Of Papillary Carcinoma Thyroid In A Rural Population Dr Reny S R , Dr. Junu Rajan APCON, Jaipur, Birla Auditorium from 1st to 4th December 2016
5 Histopathological Profile of Breast Cancer in a Rural Population Dr Reny S R, Dr Apuca Susan Mathew, Dr Soumya Gopakumar, Dr Felicia Prema Rodriguez , Dr B Jayalekshmi The 76th IAPM Kerala Chapter meeting , Govt Medical College Trivandrum on 13th February 2016
6 Intraocular medulloepithelioma Dr. Shameer A ,Dr. Junu Rajan, Dr. Jasmine ,Dr. Felicia Prema Rodriguez 64th Annual Conference of Indian Association of Pathologists and Microbiologist at Le Meridien Kochi ,Kerala from 4th to 6th December 2015
7 Art of Pathology Dr Junu Rajan ,Dr N Sundaresan 64th Annual Conference of Indian Association of Pathologists and Microbiologist at Le Meridien Kochi ,Kerala from 4th to 6th December 2015
8 Uterine tuberculosis clinically mimicking carcinoma endometrium Dr Rakhi MR, Dr Apuca Susan Mathew, Dr Jaimie Anandan , Dr. Felicia Prema Rodriguez Conference of Indian Association of Pathologists and Microbiologist : Kerala Chapter at Government Medical College, Calicut on 14.02.2015
9 An analysis of skin appendageal tumours – 10 year study Dr Junu Rajan , Dr Apuca Susan Mathew, Dr Felicia Prema Rodriguez, Dr B Jayalekshmi, Dr N Sundaresan Organized by Indian Academy of Cytologists, Goa Chapter supported by EFCS (European Federation of Cytology Societies) and IAC ( International Academy of Cytology)Venue: Institution of Nursing Education, near military workshop, near Bambolim cross, Goa on 5th, 6th and 7th February 2015
10 Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology of Endometriosis presenting as Anterior Abdominal wall swelling-Report of three cases Dr Surupa Susan Kurien, Dr Apuca Susan Mathew, Dr B Jayalekshmi CYTOCON 2013 - 43rd of Indian academy of Cytologist


Sl. No Topic Author
1 An analysis of skin appendagealtumours : 10 years study Dr. Junu Rajan & Dr. Apuca Susan Mathew.
2 Clinicopathological study of 29 cases of testicular lesions in children - A panicky situation Dr. Junu Rajan
3 Umbilical cord coiling index. Its Implications on placental & foetal parameters Dr. Lisha. S. Raj
4 Effect of room temperature and refrigerated storage on automated CBC parameters – A prospective study Dr. Anu. J
5 Clinico Pathological profile of Breast Carcinoma in a rural population Dr. Apuca Susan Mathew, Dr. Reny. S. R, Dr. Soumya Gopakumar, Dr. Sundaresan, Dr. B. Jayalekshmi & Dr. Felicia Prema
6 Histomorphological spectrum of endoscopic gastric biopsies Dr. Meera Jayajumar


Sl. No Topic Authors Journal Remarks
1 Effect of room temperature and refrigerated storage on automated complete blood count- A longitudinal study DrAnu J, Dr Naveen Kakkar, Dr M Joseph John Chrismed Journal of Health and Reaserch (CJHR) Volume 9, Issue 1, 18 October 2022, 57-61
2 Profile of blood donors in a tertiary care centre in South India - A cross - sectional study DrAnu J, Dr Nabeel Azeez K, Dr Apuca Susan Mathew International Journal of Scientific Reasearch(IJSR) Volume 9, Issue 11 November 2020, ISSN No. 2277-8179
3 Necroptosis among trophoblast in eclampsia and intrauterine growth retardation: A light microscopy study DrAnu Sumi Issac, Dr Kumar K V Annals of Pathology and Laboratary Medicine Volume 5, issue 3, July 2020, 241-5
4 A clinicopathological analysis of 120 cases of prostate biopsies and their correlation with prostate specific antigen levels DrAnu Sumi Issac,Dr Ashley Ann Varughese, Dr C V Raghuveer, Dr Asha S P Annals of Pathology and Laboratary Medicine November 2018, Volume 5, issue 11, 882-7
5 A prospective study to assess the comparison of three different papanicolaou staining techniques in the evaluation of aspiration cytology smears and their cytohistopathological agreement- Original study Dr Reni S R,Dr Anu J, Dr Apuca Susan Mathew International Journal of Medical Science and Innovative Reasearch(IJMSIR) Volume-5, Issue -4, July 2020
6 A study on RBC histogram in different morphological types of anemia in comparison with peripheral blood smears in a tertiary care centre in rural South India- Original study Dr Rakhi Bhadran, Dr Sherin Susheel Mathew, Dr Anu J, Dr B Jayalekshmi International Journal of Applied Research 2020;6(10):425-430
7 Spindle Cell Squamous Cell Carcinoma with Unique Presentation in a Middle Aged Indian Mom - A case report Dr Dennis John, Dr B Jayalekshmi, Dr Apuca S Mathew, Dr Sherin Susheel Mathew East African Scholars Journal of Medical Sciences Volume 2 Issue 12 December 2019
8 Parosteal ossifying lipoma of scapula – A rare case report Vaishali B Nagose, Apuca S Mathew, B Jayalekshmi, S Aseer MedPulse International Journal of Pathology December 2018 8(3)
9 An analysis of skin appendageal tumors: 10 year study Rajan J, Mathew A.S, Jayalekhmi B Pathology Update: Tropical Journal of Pathology & Microbiology July, 2018, Volume 4, Issue 3, Print ISSN: 2456-9887, Online ISSN: 2456-1487
10 Clinicopathological study of 29 cases of testicular lesions in children – A panicky situation J Rajan , C P D’Souza MedPulse International Journal of Pathology January 2018 Volume 5 Issue 1
11 Hematological Profile of sickle cell anemia subjects in central India: A cross sectional analysis Vaishali Baburao Nagose , Shivananad Shriram Rathod Annals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Volume 5 Issue 1 January 2018 eISSN: 2349-6983, pISSN: 2394-6466
12 Sleep duration and its association with obesity and overweight in medical students: A cross-sectional study Shivanand Shriram Rathod, Vaishali Baburao Nagose, Amrutha Kanagala, Harish Bhuvangiri, Jhansi Kanneganti, Eliyaraju Annepaka National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2018 ,Vol 8, Issue 2
13 Spectrum of cervical cytological lesions in premenopausal and Postmenopausal women Vaishali Baburao Nagose , Nirvana Rasaily Halder, Shruthi Amit Deshpande , Shivananad Shriram Rathod and Varsha Ashok Jadhav Annals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Volume 4 Issue 6 November – December 2017 eISSN :2349-6983, pISSN: 2394-6466
14 Histopathological Profile of Breast Cancer in a Rural Population Reny SR, Apuca Susan Mathew , Soumya Gopakumar International Journal of Scientific Study April 2017, Vol 5, Issue 1, Print ISSN: 2321-6379 Online ISSN: 2321-595X DOI: 10.17354/ijss/2017/158
15 Effect of Physical Training on lipid profile in healthy young males : A follow up study Rathod Shivanand Shriram, Nagose Vaishali Baburao, Purna Singh A , Annepaka Eliya Raju, Ankur, Praveen K Kodumuri, Jhansi K International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research June 2015, Volume 3(3):1081-85. ISSN 2321-1822, DOI: 10.16965/ijpr.2015.146
16 Effect of Exercise Training on C – Reactive protein levels: A follow up study Rathod Shivanand S, Sagdeo Mohan M, Date Anjali A, Nagose Vaishali B, Ankur, Praveen Kumar Kodumuri International Journal of Medical Research and Health Sciences June 2015, Volume 4 Issue 3 :626-629, ISSN: 2319-5886, DOI: 10.5958/2319-5886.2015.00119.8
17 Aggressive epithelioid angiosarcoma of the scalp: A diagnostic challenge Jaimie Anandan , Apuca Susan Mathew, Preethi T Ramadas, Rakhi M.R And Felicia Prema R International Journal of Biomedical Research 2015; 6(08):588-590
18 Pattern of Blood Component Utilization in a Teaching Hospital in South Kerala Apuca Susan Mathew, Surupa Susan Kurien, Sundaresan N, Jayalekshmi B, Felicia Prema etal Academic Medical Journal of India 2014 Feb 14; 2(1):28–31
19 23 Gauge Transconjunctival Vitrectomy-Short Term Visual Outcomes and Complications Biju John C., Apuca Susan Mathew International Journal of Recent Trends in Science And Technology ISSN 2277-2812 E-ISSN 2249-8109, Volume 10, Issue 1, 2014 pp 45-50

Teaching Staff of Department of Pathology
1 Dr. Apuca Susan Mathew Professor and HOD
2 Dr. A. Sarath Kumar Professor
3 Dr. Reeba Mary Rajan Associate Professor
4 Dr. Keerthi C. P Associate Professor
5 Dr. Anu Sumi Isaac Associate Professor
6 Dr. Prabha Raj R. L Associate Professor
7 Dr. Anu.J Associate Professor
8 Dr. Riyana R. Thaj Assistant Professor
9 Dr. Rini Francis Assistant Professor
10 Dr. Rahul Chandran C H Assistant Professor
11 Dr. Viji Vijayan Senior Resident
12 Dr. Minu Chandran Senior Resident
13 Dr. Bejoy Ravindran Senior Resident
14 Dr. Lakshmi Priya R.G Senior Resident
15 Dr. Revathi M. Girish Senior Resident
16 Dr. Neethu G Mohan Tutor
17 Dr. Lija Sherin Tutor
18 Dr. Tinku Edwina. R Tutor

Last updated at 10-06-2024

Dr. Apuca Susan Mathew

Professor and HOD (MD)

(Promoted as Professor on 13.11.2011)

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