Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology is functioning as 2 units. The main aim of the department is to give holistic care both the antenatal and Gynec patients. It is committed to provide the best available care for all antenatal women attending the hospital, till delivery and the postnatal period. The gynecology department caters to all the women presenting with gynecologic problems and their treatment. All latest technologies are being utilized both for evaluation as well as for the management.
Clinical Activities
The department provides emergency services 24 hours of the day. A separate Gynec casualty is functioning, in the department under the supervision & presence of the duty consultant, PG student, house surgeon & staff nurse.
Regular out patient clinics are conducted on all week days, except Sunday. All antenatal mothers both high risk & low risk, are provided antenatal care. They are admitted in the hospital, for careful monitoring and management, when indicated.
Family planning and postnatal clinics are conducted along with the regular OPD patients. All facilities like copper T insertion, distribution of barrier contraceptives, OCPs, Depot injections are available.
Labour Room:Almost all antenatal women booked in this hospital are admitted and cared for in labour at any time of the day. Even unbooked cases are admitted in labour, when referred from other hospitals. Emergency Operation Theater is located, close to the labour room, so that the patient can be shifted to the theatre without any delay.
Wards:The antenatal, post natal and gynaecology ward are located on the same floor as the labour room. The antenatal fetal monitoring by Non stress test is done in the labour room for out patients as well as the in patients.
Oncology Clinic: Screening tests like Pap smear test, Colposcopy and directed biopsy, LEEP are done on a regular basis in the Gynec OPD.
Infertility Clinic: Counseling, screening, investigations for male & female factor, ovulation induction, follicular monitoring, intrauterine insemination etc are being done in the OPD. Menopause patients, PCOD patients are also taken care of in the Gynec OPD.
Cancer screening camps, gynecological disease detection camps in collaboration with community medicine department are conducted on regular basis. The department contributed to the conduct of peripheral and base hospital camps conducted all round the year.
- Minor procedures like office endometrial biopsies, IUI, CuT insertion, I&D are done in the minor OT in the OPD.
- Other minor surgeries like fractional curettage, MC Donald’s stitch; Marsupialisation, cervical polypectomy etc are being performed regularly in the main OT.
- Major surgeries like abdominal & vaginal hysterectomies, staging laparotomy are routinely done and emergency surgeries
- Laparoscopic surgeries: Surgeries for ectopic pregnancy, sterilization surgeries, laparoscopic cystectomy, LAVH are being done.
Regular theory classes and clinics are conducted for the MBBS students and their performance is evaluated on regular basis by periodic short test and Sessional examinations.
Post graduate course for MS in Obstetrics & Gynecology commenced in 2013. The two candidates admitted in the first year have completed the course successfully and passed. Regular academic activities in the form of Journal clubs, seminars and clinical discussions are conducted regularly for the PGs. They have teaching programmes in the form of ward rounds, case discussions and topic presentations regularly. Their performance is evaluated periodically by short tests.
Clinical Pathology Conference and radiologic conferences are being conducted once a month or once in 2 months, in the Pathology department and the Radiology department.
To achieve clinical excellence so as to offer the best treatment to our patients, all our faculty regularly attend various CME programmes and training sessions conducted in the state and other states and also the national and state level conferences. The PG students are also encouraged to attend the conferences, CMEs , PG training programme conducted in the state. Two PG students were awarded gold medal for the best poster presentation in 2015 and 2016;
- Advances 2015’ XVIth Annual International Congress of Trivandrum OBGYN Club on Obstetrics Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine - August 14th, 15th & 16th 2015.Poster Presentation by Dr. Anupama S.-“An unusual case of congenital malrotation of gut causing recurrent second trimester pregnancy loss”
- Advances 2016 XVIIth Annual International Congress of Trivandrum OBGYN Club on Obstetrics Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine - August 12th, 13th & 14th 2016.Poster Presentation by Dr. Surumi Mammu.
(i) General | ||
Speculums and Retractors | 50 | |
EA + ECC sets | 20 | |
PCT forceps | 10 | |
Ayers spatula | 30 | |
Cytology bottle | 30 | |
Microscope | 2 | |
MR Syringes | 10 | |
Coloposcope | 1 | |
Cryo/ electro cautery apparatus | 2 | |
Simple fetal doppler | 2 | |
NST machine | 3 | |
Stitch removal sets | 10 | |
Dressing sets | 10 | |
Ultrasound machine | 2 | |
Proctoscope | 6 | |
Weighing machine | 2 | |
Height scale | 2 | |
View box (Blood pressure apparatus, measuring tapes, gloves, syringes, needles, torch) | 2 | |
Resuscitation tray (Laryngoscope, ET tube, ambu bag, suction catheter, essential drugs) | 2 | |
Suction machine | 2 | |
Hysterosalphigogram canula | 8 | |
Abdominal Hysterectomy set(arteries, scissors, scalpel, Allis’s kelly’s clamp, babcock forceps, thumb forceps, Haringtom & Richardson retractors.) | 6 | |
Vaginal Hysterectomy set (Scalpel, scissors, metal catheter, sim’s, speculum, volsellum, kelly’s clamps, right angle reteactor, arteries allis, uterine sound, bladder sound) | 6 | |
Tuboplasty set | 1 | |
Myomectomy instruments (myoma screw, boney’s clamp) | 2 | |
Diagnostic laparoscopy set | 1 | |
Hystroscopy set | 1 | |
Electronic Carbondioxide Insufflator/ Insufflator basic unit | 2 | |
Electrocautery | 3 | |
Hysteromat | 2 | |
Operating Microscope/ Loupe Electrocautery | 2 | |
Contact microhystroscope | Nil | |
Co2 & Nd Yag laser | Nil | |
Delivery sets | 20 | |
B.P Apparatus | 6 | |
Weighing machine | 2 | |
Fetal Doppler | 2 | |
Cardiotocogram machine | 5 | |
Portable ultrasound | 1 | |
High suction machine | 2 | |
Resuscitation tray | 2 | |
Oxytocin infusion pumps | 2 | |
Multichannel monitors | 3 | |
Intrauterine Pressure | ||
Doll and Dummy | 2 | |
Female Pelvis | 2 | |
Gross specimens | ||
X-ray/ US films | 2 | |
View box | ||
VCR | ||
Overhead Projector | 2 | |
Slide Projector | Nil | |
Set of instruments/ forceps etc. | 2 | |
Camera with 200m lens | ||
Endocamera/ Television | ||
TTL flash light | available | |
Carbondioxide Monitor | ||
Caculter channelizer | ||
*Disposables, to be issued on monthly basis | ||
Cervical biopsy set | 8 | |
MTP set | 10 | |
D&C set | 10 | |
Hydroubation set | 4 | |
IUCD insertion/ removal set | 15 | |
High suction machine | 3 | |
Resuscitation Tray | 1 | |
E.B Set (OT lights, OT tables)Central Oxygen Suction Unit | 10available | |
Set for LSCS | 10 | |
D&C set | 10 | |
MTP set | 10 | |
High suction machine | 4 | |
Cervical exploration set | 4 | |
Uterine packing forceps | 4 | |
Abdominal Hysterectomy set | 2 | |
Diagnostic laparoscopy set | 4 | |
Laprocator for tubal ligation | 4 | |
Post prtum ligation set | 4 | |
Outlet forceps | 6 | |
Low mid cavity forceps/ kjielland forceps | 0 | |
Vacuum Extractor and suction machine | 4 | |
Resuscitation tray | 2 | |
Decapitation hook | 0 | |
Cranioclast with cephalotribe | 0 | |
OldhamPerforator | 1 | |
Infusion Pump | 2 | |
EB set | 6 | |
Operation Theatre Table, Operation Theatre lights, Central Oxygen and suction | available | |
Multichannel monitor with ECG, BP, HR, Pulse Oxymetry for high risk pregnant patients (eclampsia, heart diseases etc.) | 2 | |
WARDS | ||
Blood Pressure Apparatus | 6 | |
Weighing machine | 1 | |
Height scale | 1 | |
Speculums and Retractors | 60 | |
Glucometer | 2 | |
Microscope | 2 | |
Sucture removal sets | 10 | |
Dressing sets | 25 | |
Ultrasound | 2 | |
Cutdown sets | 2 | |
Blood gas analyser | 1 | |
CTG machine | 2 | |
Suction machine | 3 | |
Resuscitation tray | 3 | |
View box | 2 | |
Central O2and suction | ||
Ultrasound machine with Doppler/ vaginal probe/ facilities for interventional procedure | 1 | |
Multichannel Monitor | 1 | |
Fetal Monitor for Antepartum Surveillance | 3 | |
Computer for data entry | 1 | |
(Gloves, Syringes, needles, torch, measuring tape etc.) | ||
H.gram | Done in central lab | |
Urine examination | Done in central lab | |
Semen analyses | Done in central lab | |
Renal function test (RFT), Liver Function Test (LFT), | Done in central lab | |
Including Serum Blutamase Test(SBT), | Done in central lab | |
electrolytes Blood sugar | Done in central lab | |
Cullture facilities | Done in central lab | |
24 hr urine alb. Creatinine | Done in central lab | |
VDRL, TORCH | Done in central lab | |
HIV | Done in central lab | |
Serum, BHCG, estriol, MSAFP | Done in central lab | |
Semen wash | Done in central lab | |
FSH, LH Prolactin, T3, T4 | Done in central lab | |
TSH, Testosterone, DHEAS | Done in central lab | |
Chlamydial and other | Done in central lab | |
reproductive tract infection testing | Done in central lab | |
GENETIC LAB. – Cytology, Chromosome study, PCR for various abnormalities | Nil | |
Facilities for biochemical tests | Done in central Lab | |
and enzyme studies for prenatal diagnosis | Done in central Lab | |
Blood gas analyser | Done in central Lab | |
Thalassemia study | Done in blood bank which is very close to labour room | |
ABO and Rh typing | ||
PCR for tuberculosis | Nil | |
Viral markers for Hepatitic studies | ||
Coagulation profile, fibrinogen degradation products | ||
Blood bank facilities | ||
Cryopreservation | ||
Assisted reproductive techniques. | Available |
Sl. No | Topic | Author | Remarks |
1 | Biomarkers in Ovarian Carcinoma | Dr.Usha Christopher | ICCCON 2014 – National Conference on Gynaeo Paediatric Malignancies – 18th & 19th October 2014 |
Sl. No | Topic | Author | Remarks |
1 | Unusual Presentation of Fibromyoma | Dr Surumi M | Advances 2016 held on 12.13.14th August 2016 at Trivandrum |
2 | An unusual case of congenital malrotation of gut causing recurrent second trimester pregnancy loss | Dr. Anupama | Advances 2015’ XVIth Annual International Congress of Trivandrum OBGYN Club on Obstetrics Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine – August 14th , 15th & 16th 2015 |
3 | Squamous Cell Carcinoma arising from Dermoid Cyst of Ovary with metastasis to the uterus | Dr.Renjula GoldaLysander | Advances 2014’ XVth Annual International Congress of Trivandrum OBGYN Club on Obstetrics Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine - August 15th , 16th & 17th 2014 |
Sl. No | Topic | Author | Journal | Remarks |
1 | Early diagnosis of atypical pneumonia among children by using immunofluorescence biochip method | Bewin Oral J, Usha H C, Madhuri Kulkarni, Goldy S J, Rema Devi S, Jobin S R | International Journal of Microbiology | March 2020 Volume 13 Issue 3 |
2 | Clinico-microbiological study of blood stream infections among patients admitted to critical care units | Bewin Oral J, Madhuri Kulkarni, Goldy S J | International Journal of Microbiology | October 2019 Volume 12 Issue 1 |
3 | Placental thickness and its correlation with estimated foetal weight: a cross-sectional study in a tertiary care centre in South India | Goldy S.J., Sheba Rosatte Victor, Bewin Oral J., Adlin Thangam, Usha Christopher, Adlin Rose | International Journal of Reproduction , Contraception , Obstetrics and Gynecology | April 2019 Volume 8 Issue 4 |
4 | Multiple vaginal examinations and early neonatal sepsis | Usha Christopher, Goldy SJ, Bewin Oral J, Adlin Rose C | International Journal of Reproduction , Contraception , Obstetrics and Gynecology | March 2019 Volume 8 Issue 3 |
5 | Prevalence of hypothyroidism amongst pregnant women: A study done in rural set up | Nancy S Pillai, Jemela Bennet | International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology | April 2018 Volume 7 Issue 4 pISSN 2320 – 1770 eISSN 2320 - 1789 |
6 | Comparison of ultrasound parameters for diagnosis of IUGR | Pardeshi Yogeshwari Gangadhar, Nancy S Pillai | International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology | February 2018 Volume 7 Issue 2 pISSN 2320 – 1770 eISSN 2320 – 1789 |
7 | Morphological and Histological Variations of Human Placenta in Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy | Dr. MK Siva Sree Ranga, Dr.Adaline Thangam, Dr. M.V.Indira, Dr. MC Vasantha Mallika | International Journal of Anatomy and Research | March 2017, Volume 5(1):3591-98. ISSN 2321-4287 |
8 | Morphological variations of Human Placentae in Preterm Labor, Pregnancy-induced Hypertension, and Gestational Diabetes Mellitus | Dr.M.K Siva Sree Ranga, Dr.K.V.Kumar, Dr.AdalineThangam, Dr.MC VasanthaMallika | International Journal of Scientific Study | February 2017 Volume 4 Issue 11, ISSN:2321-6379 |
9 | Can perioperative haemodynamics and opioid requirement in Abdominal Hysterectomy be influenced by a premedication drug? | M Paul Wilson,Usha Christopher | International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology | pISSN: 2320-1770, Volume 5 , Issue 12, December 2016 |
10 | Maternal parameters in lower segment caesarean section: a comparative study of the effects of spinal anaesthetic agents | M Paul Wilson, Usha Christopher | International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology | pISSN: 2320-1770,Volume 5 ,Issue 12,December 2016 |
11 | Is there any association between maternal risk factors and early neonatal sepsis? | Usha Christopher, C Adlin Rose | International Journal of Biomedical Research | ISSN:0976-9633; 2455-0566 IJBR (2016) 7 (08) |
12 | Maternal outcome inpregnancies withovert diabetes | Reeti Rajan,Devi Gayathri | International Journal of Biomedical Research | 2016;7(7):524-528 |
13 | Preterm Premature Rupture of membranes: Maternal and fetal outcome | Reeti Rajan, Vrinda Menon | International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences | August 2016 Vol 4 Issue 8 |
14 | Role of USG and D&C in evaluation of post menopausal women presenting with bleeding and with asymptomatic endometrial thickening | Dr.Lakshmi Nair | International Journal of Current Medical Research | https://www.wrpjournals.com/IJMSC Vol. 4, No. 5, pp. 360-362, May 2015 |
15 | A retrospective analysis of ectopic pregnancy in a tertiary care centre in South Kerala | Lakshmi Nair, Nirmala Peter and Adlin Rose | International Journal of Biomedical Research | 2015; 6(05): 331-333. 331 IJBR (2015) 6 (05) www.ssjournals.com ISSN: 0976-9633 (Online) |
16 | A Retrospective analysis of causes, diagnosis and management of aub in perimenopausal woman | Dr.Lakshmi Nair, Dr.Usha Christopher | Indian Journal of Medical Research and Pharmaceutical Sciences | July 2015; 2(7) |
17 | A Study on Obstetric profile of mothers undergoing primary caesarean section & their neonatal outcome in a teritiary care center South Kerala | Dr.Monitta, Dr.Adaline Thangam, Dr.Subha Joice | International Journal of biomedical & Advance Research | Vol. 6 No.12, Page No.835- 838/ 2015 |
Teaching Staff of Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology | ||
1 | Dr. T. F. Adaline Thangam | Professor and HOD |
2 | Dr. Sreelakshmy. K | Professor |
3 | Dr. T. Jemela Bennet | Professor |
4 | Dr. Usha Christopher | Professor |
5 | Dr Nancy S Pillai | Professor |
6 | Dr. Radha. B | Associate Professor |
7 | Dr. Anju Alex | Associate Professor |
8 | Dr. Rakhi R J | Assistant Professor |
9 | Dr. Susan Sam Varghese | Assistant Professor |
10 | Dr. Rinu S. Chandran | Assistant Professor |
11 | Dr. Annie Dettin | Assistant Professor |
12 | Dr. Blesslin Sneha. A | Assistant Professor |
13 | Dr. Nisiya K S | Assistant Professor |
14 | Dr. Dhiya P. Joy | Senior Resident |
15 | Dr. Aparna B L | Senior Resident |
16 | Dr. Adline Rose | Senior Resident |
17 | Dr. Anju Joseph | Junior Resident |
18 | Dr. Chris Beth Chungath | Junior Resident |
19 | Dr. Sreelekshmi V | Junior Resident |
20 | Dr. Navya S. Joy | Junior Resident |
21 | Dr. Binnu Babu | Junior Resident |
22 | Dr. Clerin Jose | Junior Resident |
Last updated at 10-06-2024
Dr. T. F. Adaline Thangam
Professor and HOD (DGO, MD)
(Promoted as Professor on 15.05.2012)