

Department of Dermatology is functioning as 2 units. The department boasts of a faculty consisting of eminent and well-qualified dermatologists, all of whom have years of clinical and teaching experience. Right since its establishment, the department is providing excellent clinically oriented academic training programme to the budding clinicians. We provide training in Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy (DVL) to undergraduate students (MBBS) and second year B.Sc Nursing students. The department has state of the art equipments and continues to acquire more equipments which are required for imparting training to the students.


The department of Dermatology conducts OP in all week days from 8.30am to 3.30pm. The department is located on the second floor of the O.P.D wing of the hospital building.

The faculty also conducts OP on rotation in the Kazhakootam Rural Health Training Centre.

Teaching and Academic activities

Department provides up-to-date facilities for teaching and learning for U.G students. Regular OPD postings for 6th semester and 4th semester students (MBBS, Nursing students). Theory classes are conducted for 6th semester MBBS students and B.Sc nursing students. In addition, the department conducts regular lectures and clinics to undergraduates, and also covers topics keeping in mind that are important from the postgraduate entrance examination point of view. To further develop interest in the subject, the department conducts problem based learning (PBL) courses for the undergraduates.

Monthly Clinical club meeting co-ordinated by Dr. Mariam Philip, head of this department, The coordinator of the Clinical club of the institution as a part of teaching activity for postgraduate students in various departments. Undergraduate students are posted to our department as a part of their M.B.B.S. curriculum. The aim of teaching the undergraduates in Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology is to impart knowledge and skills that will enable them to diagnose and treat common ailments. They are taught to take case history, examine, diagnose and treat common dermatological diseases in the outpatient department and wards. Theory aspects of dermatology are also taught.

Community outreach programmes

The department conducts Medical camps every year.

Speaciality Clinics

S.No. Name of the Clinic Days on which held Timings
1 Vitiligo Clinic Saturday 1.30 PM-3.30 PM
2 Psoriasis Clinic Thursday 1.30 PM-3.30 PM
3 Autoimmune disease clinic Monday 1.30 PM-3.30 PM
4 Vesiculobullous diseases Friday 1.30 PM-3.30 PM
5 Hansen’s clinic Friday 11 AM-1.00 PM
6 STD Clinic Tuesday 1.30 PM-3.30 PM
7 Pigmentary Clinic Thursday 11 AM-1.00 PM
8 Contact Dermatitis Wednesday 1.30 PM-3.30 PM

Services Provided
  • Inpatient facility for dermatological emergencies and conditions which need admission.
  • Thirty beds are allotted separately to the department.
  • Distinguished clinical facilities in the form of specialty clinics for common dermatological disorders like pigmentary disorders, contact dermatitis, aesthetic problems, hair disorders, leprosy and sexually transmitted diseases are offered on different designated days.
Clinical Activities
  • Clinical Pathological Conference’s: Conducts regular Clinical Pathological Conference’s in association with the Pathology Department.
  • Conducted Dermatology quiz for the House Surgeons (batch of 2009 )to help them prepare for PG Entrance Exams & prizes were given for the 1st 3 winners.
  • Dr. Mariam Philip is the Clinical co-ordinatior for clinical club. A Hospital programme all doctors conducted monthly.
  • Dr. Joan Felicita Samson is a member of special interest Group of Pigment Disorders of IADVL.
CME Programme

The Department of Dermatology conducted one day CME on ‘Pemphigus Vulgaris –an update ‘at Dr.S.M.C.S.I. Medical College in April 2016 . Faculty from Kerala and Tamil Nadu attended.

Various procedures that are being done
  • Narrowband UV-B therapy for vitligo and psoriasis
  • Cryotherapy for verruca vulgaris, Molluscum contagiosum, DPN, Skin Lags
  • Electrocautery for verruca, skin tags, molluscum contagiosum,DPN
  • Ionto phoresis for hyperhidrosis
  • Chemical peeling including spot peels
  • Intralesional therapy for alopecia areata & keloid
  • Chemical cautery for molluscum and verruca
  • Patch testing
  • Skin Biopsy ( Excission and punch biopsy)
  • Laser for Hair removal
  • Laser for Tatto & Pigment removal
  • Needling for Milia, Molluscum
  • Mole Excission
  • Acne Surgery
  • Treatment of corun and eallusen

Well established departmental and central library. Central library stocks 306 books on the subject by eminent authors. Regional, national and international journals available in central as well as in departmental library.

  • 3 ICMR projects conducted under our guidance by prefinal MBBS – students – 2 of which were awarded Short term studentship.
  • Our prefinal MBBS students are regular participants at the Dr.Abdul Lateef Memorial Prize competition conducted by Trichur Dermatology club and have won prizes every year since 2008.
  • Mr.Shyam of 2012 batch bagged the 1st cash prize of Dr.Abdul Lateef Memorial Dermatology quiz conducted for MBBS students (state-wide) in 2016
  • Conduct MCQ prize tests for House Surgeons every year
  • The Department presented topic on Herpes Zoster Vaccine in the journal club (RAPID)
Conferences and workshops
  • September 2015 -Dr. Joan Felicita Samson attended & presented a poster –‘Geriatric Dermatoses in a tertiary care centre in South India’ at the SARCD Mysore.
  • October 2015 - Dr. Mariam Philip attended ISPD National Conference in Mumbai and was awarded the best paper award for the paper on Pediatric Leprosy.
  • November 2015 - Dr.Mariam Philip attended the ‘Revised Basic Course on Medical Education Technologies ‘&’ ATCOM sensitisation ‘at GMC , Kottayam.
  • February 2016 - Dr.Mariam Philip attended ‘Pulse Chennai -2016’.
  • February 2016 - Dr .Mariam Philip attended a ‘Workshop on Botox ‘at Chennai.
  • April 2016 - Dr.Mariam Philip attended 1st contact class of Fellowship in Medical Education and is undergoing the Fellowship training.
  • June 2016 -Dr. Joan Felicita Samson attended ‘Revised Basic Course on Medical Education Technologies ‘&’ ATCOM sensitisation ‘ at GMC ,Kottayam.
  • July 2016 - Dr.Mariam Philip ,Dr.Joan Felicita Samson ,Dr. Susan Ebenezer attended the 2 day Dermatopathology CME at Trivandrum (9/7 -10/7) Dr.Joan Felicita Samson was the joint organizing secretary of the CME Dr.Mariam Philip chaired the session on Cutaneous Lymphomas .
  • January 2017- Dr Mariam Philip, Dr Bebisha Joseph, Dr Reshmi S attended the Laser Workshop conducted at Kanyakumari Medical College by SIG.
  • January 2017- Dr Mariam Philip attended the National Conference of IADVL held at Calcutta.

Facilities for examining smears for bacteria, fungi, mycobacteria
and acantholytic cells
(a)light microscope with facility for dark ground illumination
(b)Gram’s stain Available
(c)Zeihl- Neelsen’s stain Available
(d)Giemsa stain Available
facilities for electrosurgery and chemosurgery Available
(a)Electro-cautery machine Available
(b)Trichloracetic acid Available
Electro cotory 1
Micro Skin Punch 8
Imported tatto machine 6
Dermal cruttes 12
Hand Dermaberation 5
Dark ground microscope 1
Indophorises 1
Liquid Nitrogen 2
Phototherapy unit 1
Computer 1
Laptop 1
Digital Camera 1
Derma chair 2

Paper Presentation

Sl. No Topic Authors Remarks
1 The Many Facadesof Leprosy Dr Mariam Philip Asian Dermatological Congress 2016 at Mumbai


Sl. No Topic Authors Journal Remarks
1 A Ten year study of Pediatric Leprosy Cases in a Tertiary Care Centre in South Kerala Dr Mariam Philip, Dr Joan Felicita Samson, Dr Susamma Ebenezer Indian Journal of Leprosy 2018
2 Evidence‑based Review, Grade of Recommendation, and Suggested Treatment Recommendations for Melasma Nilendu Sarma,Sayantani Chakraborty, Shital A. Poojary, Sanjay Rathi, Sendhil Kumaran, Balakrishnan Nirmal, Joan Felicita, Rashmi Sarkar, Prashansa Jaiswal, Paschal D’Souza, Nagaraju Donthula, Sumit Sethi, Pallavi Ailawadi, Bebisha Joseph Indian Dermatology Online Journal November – December 2017, Volume 8, Issue 6, DOI: 10.4103/idoj.IDOJ_187_17
3 Dermatological Maifestations of Obesity Nisha K, Priya Ashok, Sreekala V.K, Joan Felicita Samson Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research October 2017, Volume 5 Issue 10, ISSN(e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450, DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i10.23
4 A Clinical Study of Periorbital Dermatoses Arjun A, Priya Ashok, Joan Felicita Samson, Aswathy Umesh Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research September 2017, Volume 5, Issue 9, ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i9.149
5 A Clinical Study of Geriatric Dermatoses Preeja R, Priya Ashok, Joan Felicita Samson Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences eISSN- 2278-4802, pISSN- 2278-4748/ Vol. 6/ Issue 59/ July 24, 2017
6 Trends in awareness and use of cosmetics among medical students – a study from a medical college in south Kerala, India Joan Felicita Samson, Mariam Philip, Arjun C, Soumya Varadan International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research ISSN:2393-915X, 2454-7379 Volume 4 Issue 6 June 2017
7 A study on the awareness of cosmetics among medical students Dr Mariam Philip, Dr Joan Felicita Samson, Dr. Susan Ebenezer and Dr. Vivek Prabhakar International Journal of Current Medical Research Vol 3 No 9 pp 342- 343 September 2014
8 Speciation and Characterisation of Malassezia species – from clinical cases and controls Dr Mariam Philip, Dr Joan Felicita Samson, Dr. Susan Ebenezer, Mr Kiran K International Journal of Current Research Vol 6 Issue 09 pp 8779-8780 September 2014
9 An Epidemiological Study of Leprosy Cases at A Tertiary Hospital In south Kerala Dr Mariam Philip, Dr Joan Felicita Samson, Dr Simi PS, Dr. Susan Ebenezer, International Journal of Current Research Vol 6 Issue 08 pp 7854-7855 August 2014
10 Efficacy , Safety and tolerability of Halometasone .05% w/w and Fusidic acid 2% topical cream vs Betamethasone valerate 0.12% w/w and Neomycin Sulphate 0.5% w/w topical cream in the treatment of acute or chronic infected dermatoses Dasiga Venkata Subrahmanya Pratap, Mariam Philip, Narayana T Rao, Hemangi R Jerajani, Sainath A Kumar, Maria Kuruvila, Latha S Moodahadu and Shilpi Dhawan Indian Journal of Dermatology 2013 Mar-Apr 58(2): 117-123
11 Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome: A therapeutic paradox, Joan Felicita Samson, V. Suja, K. Abdul Samad, S. Sankar, and G. K. Libu Indian Dermatology Online Journal 2012 Sep-Dec; 3(3): 205–207. doi: 10.4103/2229-5178.101822 PMCID: PMC3505432
12 Clofazimine Induced Hair pigmentation Mariam Philip, Joan Felicita Samson and Puthenveedu Salahudeen Simi International Journal of Trichology 2012 Jul-Sept;4(3): 174-175
13 Efficacy and Safety of Topical Halometasone in Eczematous Dermatoses In Indian Population: AN Open Label , Noncomparative Study HR Jerajani, AS Kumar, Maria Kuruvila , HV Nataraja, Mariam Philip, DVS Pratap, TK Sumathy, Binny Krishnankutty, Shilpi Dhawan and Dennis Thomas Indian Journal of Dermatology 2011 Nov-Dec; 56(6):652-656

Teaching Staff of Department of Dermatology
1 Dr. Mariam Philip Professor and HOD
2 Dr. Joan Felicita Samson Professor
3 Dr. Tiya Elizabeth John Assistant Professor
4 Dr. Kevin Frank Maneek Assistant Professor
5 Dr. Kiran Francis Assistant Professor
6 Dr. Rojin Das R Y Senior Resident
7 Dr. Anju Joy Junior Resident
8 Dr. Hima George Junior Resident
9 Dr. Joel Tobin Junior Resident
10 Dr. Theresa S. Kandathil Junior Resident

Last updated at 10-06-2024

Dr. Mariam Philip

Professor and HOD (DVD, DNB)

(Promoted as Professor on 1.11.2014)

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